Double Degree Programs
A year abroad and a degree that counts twice!
The University of Ferrara offers its students the opportunity to participate in Double Degree study programs in different areas of Engineering.
The programs are available for students enrolled in the following Master courses:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science and Automation Engineering
The Master course in Mechanical Engineering offers double degree programs with the following three partner universities: Cranfield University in the UK, and Aix-Marseille University and ICAM site de Strasbourg-Europe in France.
The Master course in Civil Engineering offers a double degree program with the University of Cádiz in Spain.
The Master course in Computer Science and Automation Engineering offers a double degree program with the University of West Florida in the USA.
Students participating in the Double Degree program attend courses at the University of Ferrara during the first year and at the partner university during the second year. At the conclusion of the study program, students obtain two degrees, one from the University of Ferrara and the other from the partner university.