CLP approach to the maximization of distance

This page provides the CLP approach to the problem of maximizing the distance between selected resonances and resonances of selected radii in a WRONoC given

  • the parallelism level nλ to be achieved and
  • the number nR of senders/receivers

The program runs on ECLiPSe 6.1 #224.

To run the program, download the following files:

To run the program, run ECLiPSe:


$ eclipse
ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System [kernel]
Kernel and basic libraries copyright Cisco Systems, Inc.
and subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public Licence 1.1
(see legal/cmpl.txt or
Source available at
GMP library copyright Free Software Foundation, see legal/lgpl.txt
For other libraries see their individual copyright notices
Version 6.1 #224 (x86_64_linux), Fri Nov 25 19:15 2016


consult maxdist_cumulative2:


[eclipse 1]: [maxdist_cumulative2]. loaded in 0.01 seconds   loaded in 0.00 seconds
Yes (0.61s cpu)


call the goal maxdist(SelectedRadii,SelectedResonances,nR,nλ,Objective), for the required values of nR and nλ.


[eclipse 3]: maxdist(SelectedRadii,SelectedResonances,4,1,Objective).